Patent Portfolio
Crystal Clear Codec Full Patent List
Family | Country or Issuing Jurisdiction | Patent or Publication # | Application # | Status |
1 | CN | 101770776 | 200810247009.7 | Granted |
1 | PCT | WO2010/078816A1 | CN2009/076194 | Published |
1 | US | 8063809 | 13/172652 | Granted |
1 | EP | 2352145 | 09837373.1 | Granted |
1 | BE | 2352145 | 09837373.1 | Granted |
1 | DE | 602009030411.9 (EP2352145) | 09837373.1 | Granted |
1 | ES | 2540075T3 (EP2352145) | 09837373.1 | Granted |
1 | FI | 2352145 | 09837373.1 | Granted |
1 | FR | 2352145 | 09837373.1 | Granted |
1 | GB | 2352145 | 09837373.1 | Granted |
1 | IT | 502015000025879 (EP2352145) | 09837373.1 | Granted |
1 | NL | 2352145 | 09837373.1 | Granted |
1 | RO | 2352145 | 09837373.1 | Granted |
1 | SE | 2352145 | 09837373.1 | Granted |
1 | EP | 2808867A1 | 14175174.3 | Pending |
1 | EP | - | 21184343.8 | Pending |
1 | JP | 5281169 | 2011539886A | Granted |
1 | JP | 6110212 | 2013108638A | Granted |
1 | KR | 101168645 | 1020117011364A | Granted |
2 | CN | 102436820 | 201010298711.3 | Granted |
2 | PCT | WO2011/110031A1 | CN2010/078977 | Published |
2 | US | 8924221 | 13/854043 | Granted |
2 | US | 9161038 | 14/057646 | Granted |
2 | US | 9728197 | 14/879388 | Granted |
2 | US | 10366697 | 15/651994 | Granted |
2 | US | 10902862 | 16/502410 | Granted |
2 | US | 2021/125621A | 17/141836 | Pending |
2 | EP | 2622601 | 10847289.5 | Granted |
2 | AT | 2622601 | 10847289.5 | Granted |
2 | BE | 2622601 | 10847289.5 | Granted |
2 | CH | 2622601 | 10847289.5 | Granted |
2 | CZ | 2622601 | 10847289.5 | Granted |
2 | DE | 602010030779.4 (EP2622601) | 10847289.5 | Granted |
2 | ES | 2569332T3 (EP2622601) | 10847289.5 | Granted |
2 | FI | 2622601 | 10847289.5 | Granted |
2 | FR | 2622601 | 10847289.5 | Granted |
2 | GB | 2622601 | 10847289.5 | Granted |
2 | IE | 2622601 | 10847289.5 | Granted |
2 | IT | 502016000041503 (EP2322601) | 10847289.5 | Granted |
2 | LU | 2622601 | 10847289.5 | Granted |
2 | NL | 2622601 | 10847289.5 | Granted |
2 | PT | 2622601 | 10847289.5 | Granted |
2 | SE | 2622601 | 10847289.5 | Granted |
2 | TR | 2622601 | 10847289.5 | Granted |
2 | EP | 3021323 | 15192879.3 | Granted |
2 | DE | 602010048079.8 (EP3021323) | 15192879.3 | Granted |
2 | ES | 2665776T3 (EP3021323) | 15192879.3 | Granted |
2 | FR | 3021323 | 15192879.3 | Granted |
2 | GB | 3021323 | 15192879.3 | Granted |
2 | IT | 502018000010651 (EP3021323) | 15192879.3 | Granted |
2 | NL | 3021323 | 15192879.3 | Granted |
2 | SE | 3021323 | 15192879.3 | Granted |
2 | EP | 3389048 | 18150683.3 | Granted |
2 | AL | 3389048 | 18150683.3 | Granted |
2 | BE | 3389048 | 18150683.3 | Granted |
2 | CH/LI | 3389048 | 18150683.3 | Granted |
2 | DE | 3389048 | 18150683.3 | Granted |
2 | DK | 3389048 | 18150683.3 | Granted |
2 | ES | 3389048 | 18150683.3 | Granted |
2 | FI | 3389048 | 18150683.3 | Granted |
2 | FR | 3389048 | 18150683.3 | Granted |
2 | GB | 3389048 | 18150683.3 | Granted |
2 | HR | 3389048 | 18150683.3 | Granted |
2 | HU | 3389048 | 18150683.3 | Granted |
2 | IE | 3389048 | 18150683.3 | Granted |
2 | IS | 3389048 | 18150683.3 | Granted |
2 | IT | 3389048 | 18150683.3 | Granted |
2 | LV | 3389048 | 18150683.3 | Granted |
2 | LT | 3389048 | 18150683.3 | Granted |
2 | LU | 3389048 | 18150683.3 | Granted |
2 | MC | 3389048 | 18150683.3 | Granted |
2 | MK | 3389048 | 18150683.3 | Granted |
2 | NL | 3389048 | 18150683.3 | Granted |
2 | NO | 3389048 | 18150683.3 | Granted |
2 | SE | 3389048 | 18150683.3 | Granted |
2 | SI | 3389048 | 18150683.3 | Granted |
3 | CN | 103971694 | 201310034240.9 | Granted |
3 | PCT | WO2014/117484A1 | CN2013/079883 | Published |
3 | US | 9361904 | 14/806896 | Granted |
3 | US | 9875749 | 15/146079 | Granted |
3 | US | 10388295 | 15/848486 | Granted |
3 | US | 10607621 | 16/502332 | Granted |
3 | EP | 2940685 | 13873587.3 | Granted |
3 | DE | 602013070229.2 (EP2940685) | 13873587.3 | Granted |
3 | ES | 2813956 (EP2940685) | 13873587.3 | Granted |
3 | FI | 2940685 | 13873587.3 | Granted |
3 | FR | 2940685 | 13873587.3 | Granted |
3 | GB | 2940685 | 13873587.3 | Granted |
3 | IT | 502020000077428 (EP2940685) | 13873587.3 | Granted |
3 | NL | 2940685 | 13873587.3 | Granted |
3 | SE | 2940685 | 13873587.3 | Granted |
3 | EP | 3764354A1 | 20181460.5 | Pending |
3 | EP | - | 21194138.0 | Pending |
3 | JP | 6202545 | 2015554015A | Granted |
3 | KR | 101602264 | 1020157022769A | Granted |
4 | CN | 104282308 | 201310279924.5 | Granted |
4 | CN | 107316647 | 201710370044.7 | Granted |
4 | PCT | WO2015/000416A1 | CN2014/081530 | Published |
4 | US | 9805732 | 14/981923 | Granted |
4 | US | 10032460 | 15/715179 | Granted |
4 | EP | 2983170 | 14819622.3 | Granted |
4 | DE | 602014047945.6 (EP2983170) | 14819622.3 | Granted |
4 | ES | 2738883T3 (EP2983170) | 14819622.3 | Granted |
4 | FI | 2983170 | 14819622.3 | Granted |
4 | FR | 2983170 | 14819622.3 | Granted |
4 | GB | 2983170 | 14819622.3 | Granted |
4 | IT | 502019000063507 (EP2983170) | 14819622.3 | Granted |
4 | SE | 2983170 | 14819622.3 | Granted |
4 | EP | 3594944A1 | 19162443.6 | Pending |
4 | AU | 2014286716 | 2014286716 | Granted |
4 | BR | - | 1120150316174 | Pending |
4 | CA | 2911314 | 2911314 | Granted |
4 | HK, SAR | 1206137 | 15106604.8 | Granted |
4 | IN | 376089 | 3635/KOLNP/2015 | Granted |
4 | JP | 6301459 | 2016522247A | Granted |
4 | KR | 101725531 | 1020157033916A | Granted |
4 | MX | 351967 | 2015017003A | Granted |
4 | MY | 170701-A | PI2015704556 | Granted |
4 | RU | 2635069 | 2015155949 | Granted |
4 | SG | 11201509155R | 11201509155R | Granted |
4 | TH | 1501007910 | 1501007910 | Pending |
4 | VN | 21320 | 1-2015-04889 | Granted |
5 | CN | 104301064 | 201310297740.1 | Granted |
5 | CN | 108364657 | 201810203241.4 | Granted |
5 | PCT | WO2015/007076A1 | CN2014/070199 | Published |
5 | US | 10068578 | 14/981956 | Granted |
5 | US | 10614817 | 16/043880 | Granted |
5 | EP | 2988445 | 14825749.6 | Granted |
5 | DE | 602014047952.9 (EP2988445) | 14825749.6 | Granted |
5 | ES | 2738885 (EP2988445) | 14825749.6 | Granted |
5 | FI | 2988445 | 14825749.6 | Granted |
5 | FR | 2988445 | 14825749.6 | Granted |
5 | GB | 2988445 | 14825749.6 | Granted |
5 | IT | 502019000063522 (EP2988445) | 14825749.6 | Granted |
5 | SE | 2988445 | 14825749.6 | Granted |
5 | EP | 3595211A1 | 19163032.6 | Pending |
5 | DE | 202014011512.5 | 202014011512.5 | Registered Utility Model |
5 | JP | 6264673 | 2016526411A | Granted |
5 | KR | 101807683 | 1020157033976A | Granted |
6 | CN | 105225671 | 201410294752.3 | Granted |
6 | CN | 106228991 | 201610617731.X | Granted |
6 | PCT | WO2015/196835A1 | CN2015/074704 | Published |
6 | US | 9779747 | 15/391339 | Granted |
6 | US | 10339945 | 15/696591 | Granted |
6 | US | 10614822 | 16/419777 | Granted |
6 | EP | 3133600 | 15812214.3 | Granted |
6 | DE | 602015036853.3 (EP3133600) | 15812214.3 | Granted |
6 | FI | 3133600 | 15812214.3 | Granted |
6 | FR | 3133600 | 15812214.3 | Granted |
6 | GB | 3133600 | 15812214.3 | Granted |
6 | SE | 3133600 | 15812214.3 | Granted |
6 | EP | 3637416A1 | 19177798.6 | Pending |
6 | DE | 202015009916.5 | 202015009916.5 | Registered Utility Model |
6 | DE | 202015009942.4 | 202015009942.4 | Registered Utility Model |
6 | AU | 201581686 | 201581686 | Granted |
6 | BR | - | 1120160264401 | Pending |
6 | CA | 2948410 | 2948410 | Granted |
6 | HK, SAR | 1219802 | 16107771.2 | Granted |
6 | ID | 71323 | P00201609183 | Pending |
6 | IN | - | 201647038319 | Pending |
6 | JP | 6496328 | 2016574888A | Granted |
6 | KR | 101906522 | 1020167032571A | Granted |
6 | MX | 356315 | 2016015526A | Granted |
6 | MY | 173513-A | MYPI2016704099 | Granted |
6 | RU | 2644078 | 2016151460 | Granted |
6 | SG | 11201609523U | 11201609523U | Granted |
6 | TH | 81484 | 1601007126 | Granted |
6 | VN | 20193 | 1-2016-04872 | Granted |
7 | CN | 102132494 | 200880128702 | Granted |
7 | PCT | WO2009/127097A1 | CN2008/070719 | Published |
7 | US | 8364476 | 12/905852 | Granted |
7 | EP | 2274833 | 08734077.4 | Granted |
7 | DE | 2274833 | 08734077.4 | Granted |
7 | FR | 2274833 | 08734077.4 | Granted |
7 | GB | 2274833 | 08734077.4 | Granted |
8 | CN1 | 101198041 | 200610164455 | Granted |
8 | PCT | WO2008/067766A1 | CN2007/071178 | Published |
8 | US | 8335260 | 12/273201 | Granted |
8 | JP | 5006404 | 2009536590A | Granted |
8 | KR | 101083291 | 1020097005033 | Granted |
9 | CN | 101483495 | 200810085177 | Granted |
9 | PCT | WO2009/115036A1 | CN2009/070840 | Published |
9 | US | 8494846 | 12/886159 | Granted |
9 | EP | 2254111 | 09721909.1 | Granted |
9 | DE | 2254111 | 09721909.1 | Granted |
9 | ES | 2254111 | 09721909.1 | Granted |
9 | FR | 2254111 | 09721909.1 | Granted |
9 | GB | 2254111 | 09721909.1 | Granted |
9 | IT | 2254111 | 09721909.1 | Granted |
9 | NL | 2254111 | 09721909.1 | Granted |
9 | JP | 5143949 | 2011500033A | Granted |
9 | KR | 101248535 | 1020107023132 | Granted |
10 | CN | 103544957 | 201210243316 | Granted |
10 | CN | 106941004 | 201710079399 | Granted |
10 | PCT | WO2014/008786A1 | CN2013/076393 | Published |
10 | US | 9424850 | 14/595672 | Granted |
10 | EP | 2863388 | 13816528.7 | Granted |
10 | DE | 2863388 | 13816528.7 | Granted |
10 | FR | 2863388 | 13816528.7 | Granted |
10 | GB | 2863388 | 13816528.7 | Granted |
10 | JP | 6092383 | 2015520801A | Granted |
10 | JP | 6351770 | 2017021030A | Granted |
10 | KR | 101661868 | 1020157003447A | Granted |
10 | KR | 101736705 | 1020167026037A | Granted |
11 | CN | 102592601 | 201110004032 | Granted |
11 | PCT | WO2012/094952A1 | CN2011/085197 | Published |
11 | US | 9519619 | 13/938834 | Granted |
11 | US | 9792257 | 15/345074 | Granted |
11 | US | 9996503 | 15/696091 | Granted |
11 | EP | 2664995A4 | 11855360.1 | Pending |
11 | EP | 3518121A1 | 18203003.1 | Pending |
11 | JP | 5783395 | 2013547798A | Granted |
11 | KR | 101627900 | 1020137019665A | Granted |
12 | CN | 102237085 | 201010160326 | Granted |
1 Excluded family member: Notwithstanding that it shares a common priority with other members of this family, including application CN 200610164455.2, application CN200710130519.1, corresponding to granted patent CN101345530, is not available for license by Crystal Clear Codec. Crystal Clear Codec does not own and has no right to license application CN200710130519.1 or granted patent CN101345530.